Straight Talking Fitness

The difference a year makes?


This post should be thought provoking, inspiring and somewhat confrontational – even motivational. Actually, I hope it’s every bit motivational. 

This time last year I provided a sea of posts themed on Christmas, only they were all more on the superficial side of things; gift ideas, ways to avoid unwanted weight gain…….blah blah blah. They were good posts, and in fact, if those interest you, you can check them out HERE and HERE.

This year though, things have changed. And that’s good. Things should change. Even though Christmas is a very traditional time of year, you yourself should be a different version this time around. Any department of life is sufficient. For me, this is the first time I’ve took a very ‘anti-materialistic’ approach to the holidays. I’m thinking in terms of what I need, not what I’d like. 

Novelty versus necessity. 

I don’t need novelty to celebrate; to be happy. The things I want are all things I’ve either achieved this year or am on my way to achieving. Ask yourself: What do I need, truly need? 

The best gifts are the ones you obtained, not received. Achieving something in a self-reliant fashion is the ultimate sign of deserving your ‘reward’. Now it’s time to share our accomplishments, to illustrate what really is different this year compared to last.

Starting with the man in the mirror……….

I’ll go first. I’ll share some things about me that are different from 12 months ago. They’ll be a mix of everything – training, personal development, personal achievement and anything else that’s worth recognition (at least in my eyes).


I got a new job in a new industry that’s lead to meeting an un-scalable amount of great people. In addition, it’s got me certifications and more importantly, even more hands on experience to add to my arsenal. Although, the social interactions are hands down the best factor. Which leads me to……..


This is a touchy subject for a lot of people because it’s one that urges them to take their heads out of the sand and realise what dead beats they need to eradicate from their ‘circle’. What is about to follow may sound ruthless, but I don’t care. It’s true. Anyone in your friendship group who always does things that are in line with their agenda and their agenda only, needs ditching.

Anyone who discourages your achievements, aspirations and even interests needs to play a much lesser role in your life. The same goes for negative people; as they say….”you are the 5 people you spend the most time with!” Think about it. And I know it may seem scary to cut ties with the rot in your life, but if you continue on the path to self betterment, you’ll begin attracting the quality of company you deserve. It’s a game of faith and patience.



This is probably the trickiest one of all. Where to start? I don’t know. I’ve always found this ‘game’ complicated. As far as taking a risk and ‘going for it’ goes, I guess it all depends on whether the object of your affection is giving you anything to go on in the first place? Sometimes a cold shoulder can mean the opposite of the natural interpretation – at least that’s what I’m told!

I guess the best thing you can have here is an open mind, comfort within yourself, an open heart and a willingness to give people a chance. Don’t settle though, there’s always someone out there that you’ll click with, that you’ll feel like time has stopped with, that you’ll laugh with, that you’ll become obsessed with (in a good way)………it’s just whether the universe is kind enough to let you cross their path.


AH HA! The meat and potatoes! My favourite topic and yours too, I know. I’ve covered – in detail – the taboo topic of looking drastically different already (Recommended reading: What’s the deal with all the working out and not looking any ‘different’?) and you shouldn’t always gauge your success on appearance alone – especially when it comes to this thing we call fitness. Just like that E type Jaguar you wanted for years that looked stunning, only you couldn’t see the engine was beginning to seize. There is ALWAYS more to something than you can see. Always.

This year has been a phenomenal year for training and achieving personal records (PR’s) for me. My previous one rep max on the deadlift is now my 8-10 RM easily. I’ve mastered an array of calisthenics movements in just the last few months; pistol squats, dragon flags, L-sits, muscle ups – and I can full front lever for a few seconds now too. I realise this is nothing spectacular in comparison with your Youtube and Instagram heroes, but for a natural guy with VERY average genetics, I’m not satisfied though, the quest continues.


I will also be testing my overhead press max in the week between Christmas and new year and am looking for at least a 5 kg increase. Watch this space!

Over to you! 

That’s probably as much personal information as I’ve ever shared on this site, but it’s something we should all do. We need to know where we won, why we won, where we lost and why we lost. Without honest assessments, that cannot happen.

So go ahead, drop me a line in the comments section. I want to hear what you’ve done this year. How are you different to last year? What do you want to do next year?

Forget selfies on social media, you can have the spot light right here. Let’s celebrate your achievements!

Anyone would think it’s Christmas 😉 

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