Straight Talking Fitness

A guy’s thoughts on the ‘Thigh Gap’


Apparently you ladies want to have your own thigh gap?

Apparently it represents health, happiness and even sexiness?

Apparently if you’re a chick without a thigh gap, you’re less of a woman, right?

That’s the thigh gap fad talking. Not me. 

Enjoying the company of some girls the other day, they referred to a magazine image that supposedly portrayed “feminine perfection” – or words to that effect.

I’m not sure of the exact image, but it looked a little something like this……………

Okay okay, maybe I’m stretching it a touch…………….

Yes. That’s more like it! There’s your classic, stereotypical thigh gap magazine type image.

“Wouldn’t it be great to have legs like that?!”

“Oh HELL yeah! Guys love it!”

Hang on a minute!

Being a relatively young and heterosexual guy, if there was ever a time my input could or would be relevant, it was now. And if that didn’t qualify me to speak, perhaps the fact that I’m very much a ‘leg guy’ did. We all have favourite body parts of the opposite sex we particularly like – it’s the same for the girls too.

For me, it’s the legs. That’s not to say I want my woman to have a leaner chest than me, just I notice a great pair of legs much more on a lady, or first. This isn’t ‘pervy’ – just honest.

“I don’t love it. I think skinny upper thighs and narrow hips are actually quite un-feminite!”

Shocked and bemused, the girls expected me to crack a smile and confess to making a badly timed joke or something.

No smiles on my face! Say what you mean and mean what you say.

“I’m serious! I like a girls legs to gradually widen from the knee to hip. I think that’s a great feminine look.”

Here’s a rough example:

You can always rely on pinterest for picture gold!

All those demo girls have nice, continuously widening thighs. And it’s a good look, yes I’ve said it. After reassuring the girls I was chatting with that I wasn’t joking, I could see almost an instant release of pressure. As if they felt somewhat closer to self acceptance and it felt great to make them feel that way.

Again this is MY opinion, and a common opinion amongst my male friends. I’m not posting this to make those with skinny upper legs or thigh gaps, whatever, feel as though they shouldn’t be how they are. Nor am I saying that as long as your thighs widen from the knee, I’m going to find you irresistible.

It’s not an excuse to be out of shape and have copious amounts of bodyfat hanging off of you. I’m just saying I think you should embrace your feminine qualities; one of which is having shapely legs and wider hips……………

Basic anatomy folks.

Please don’t base your desires on what the media portrays and what magazines ‘advise’. Be healthy, accept yourself and realise at the very least, here’s a guy who will happily accept you without some bullshit thigh gap.

And there are plenty more where I came from.

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