Straight Talking Fitness

Must see fitness YouTube channels


YouTube fitness is absolutely massive. As I type, ‘Six Pack Shortcuts’ has 3.9 million subscribers at present. They are by far the biggest fitness YouTube channel around. Although they’ve actually lost a fair portion of subscribers – they were well over 4 million at one point I’m sure!

Guys like Furious Pete and Athlean X are a mere million and 2 million subscribers away, respectively. You know all about the big YouTube channels though; you know about The Hodge Twins, Elliott Hulse, Scott Herman, CT Fletcher and others.

How about I tell you something you don’t know?

I’ve got 3 fitness channels to share with you that all share one similarity: they have less than 100,000 subscribers. My list is in no particular order and these channels are run by passionate people with great insights when it comes to fitness. I’ll annotate their names so you can click on them and be linked straight to their channel(s). I’ll add a little taster/teaser video to each persons time in the spotlight.

1) ‘George Workout

This is a calisthenics channel ran by a Bulgarian named George. He is incredibly proficient at bodyweight movements and has tutorials on many of the coveted moves such as the muscle up, the front lever and the handstand. His tutorials are magnificently in depth and that’s probably what I like most; depth attracts depth.

He is humble and unassuming, and above all just oozes with enthusiasm to help people. It’s a travesty he only has 4,000 subscribers.

 2) ‘Overtimeathletes

If you’ve ever watched an Elliott Hulse/StrengthCamp video, you’ll have seen the owner of this channel in many many videos. His name is Chris Barnard and he’s Elliott’s business partner. It’s amazing how many people are unaware of Chris having a YouTube channel of his own.

Chris’ channel is dedicated to athletic endeavours. He works with college football players, track and field athletes, swimmers, basketball players, baseball players and sprinters. His videos are all about performance – which I’ve been shouting the importance of from the rooftops here over and over.

He has some very unique drills and coaching ideas for tweaking your technique to extract the extra half a percent needed to become a winner. If you’re interested in improving your top end speed, vertical jump, broad jump and becoming more explosive, type in ‘overtimeathletes’ in your YouTube search bar and enjoy!

3) ‘Radu Antoniu

I’ve only just been introduced to this man’s work but I really like what I’ve seen so far. The guy is clearly passionate and very thorough. What he does very well is dissect his own anecdotal experience and delivers it to the viewer in a way that’s entirely absorbable.

He is a former skinny guy from Romania who is friends with someone from a much bigger channel – Greg O’ Gallagher aka ‘KinoBody workout’. Radu had success using some of Greg’s well known programs and has now adopted his own modifications on those core principles.


 (Greg O’Gallagher – the definition of ‘relative strength’)

While Mr Gallagher certainly divides opinion, Radu is much more modest and can be thought of as a ‘toned down’ version of Greg O’Gallagher/Kinobody.

Radu has a big emphasis on similar principles: Intermittent fasting, reverse pyramid training, lean bulk cycles, the necessity of building strength and generally just simplifying the fitness journey of others.

Now it’s over to you, let me know of YouTube channels I don’t know of that you think are great. Let’s get loads of names out there in the comments! The lesser known, the better. 


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