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A Look At Calisthenic Movement’s BRAND NEW Nutrition Upgrade Package!


Calisthenic Movement’s Level 4 Intermediate Program was the very first PAID calisthenics routine I ever used. We’re now closing in on 4 years since then and during that time, CaliMove have been bringing out more and more products and upping their game overall, especially in terms of their content.

The guys recently informed me of their latest project, The Nutrition Upgrade.

This is an add on to all of their existing programs designed to complete the whole spectrum; structured & sensible training with the nutrition to support recovery and regeneration.

When I first looked through the package I jumped to the conclusion this was the same add on regardless of what program you’re running. El Eggs quickly informed me they have a SEPARATE add on for each training package.

This makes great sense as the goals are similar yet can often be different. Take for example the transformation programs (all about muscle gain) versus the skill level packages (still about muscle gain but also skill & strength development).

The macros and calorie intakes will need to be slightly different from routine to routine, and CaliMove have got that covered!

What’s in the add on?

Sometimes ‘nutrition add-ons’ are a mere link to a calorie or macro calculator but this package is super comprehensive.

You have:

  • A built in calculator that works off YOUR personal stats
  • Calorie and macro ranges modified for both rest days and training days
  • Lots of example meal ideas for all eating styles; keto, vegan, vegetarian & intermittent fasting
  • Specialised days for starting out & rescue days for when you’ve slipped on your diet
  • Ideas for supplementation if things like sleep/stress aren’t balanced as they should be
  • Explanation sections for each subsection of the package – scheduling, foodtable, meal samples etc
  • An FAQ section answering common questions

I think the nutrition add on is a great idea as we all know:

1) Nutrition is a huge slice of the results equation.

2) Nutrition is also what lets most people down.

You can give people links to explanation videos breaking down setting up calories and macros, but who’s got time to learn all that? Who even wants to? Most people want their hand held tight and to be walked through it all and just told what to do/eat.

CaliMove’s add on certainly can hold your hand if you need it. Conversely, if like me, you already know how to eat well, you could simply run the macro/calorie setups without the suggested meal ideas.

The foodtable is another nice feature as this essentially is a shopping list for you. It outlines all the foods in each category that are considered ‘healthy’ and good to eat. From there they’re further sub-sectioned into keto, vegan or vegetarian friendly options.

Value for money/cost?

As standard the nutrition add-ons are priced between $34.99 and $44.99. CaliMove are offering a discount of 10% off if you buy alongside the program itself – and if you already have a program and want to add the nutrition upgrade to it, you get 10% off also.

Anyone who already owns one nutrition upgrade program gets access to their second add-on for only $9.99. This is CaliMove’s way of thanking you for your loyalty.

At first glance, some people will think the price is a little high with the wealth of info out there online; couldn’t you just build your own plan and apply what you read online?

You sure can but that takes time and lots of second guessing – how do you filter through good info and subpar broscience?

Way back when I first started working with personal training clients, I used to tailor macros and offer meal ideas for them. This took me ridiculous amounts of time to do – and I have the food knowledge; I’m well read nutritionally and understand macros/calorie counts very well.

It’s the analysis and offering practical suggestions/solutions that vacuums your time up. It was here I learned the world of nutrition is an individual subsection of fitness in itself and not automatically linked in with training.

Although CaliMove’s nutrition upgrade isn’t a personalised diet, it still cuts through so much of the common stumbling blocks. Personalised diet plans cost far more, as anyone who’s done contest prep or sports based eating will tell you.

It just takes the guesswork out for you and stops you completing the training side of the program, then wondering if you would have had better results had you ‘eaten better’. All for the sake of an extra investment.

If you’re someone like me, maybe it’s not as beneficial where I work in fitness for a living and have dieted lean many times successfully and stay pretty lean year round. That said, there were still things I saw in the package I liked, like the cleanse ideas, the rescue days and even the meal ideas for certain eating styles.

I am planning on using this nutrition style alongside their new and updated Level 5 Mastery program very soon. I didn’t realise how much they’ve updated level 5 since when I done it; it’s basically a brand new program! I plan on running and reviewing it through the autumn/winter swing upon us.

Calisthenic Movement’s Level 5 Mastery Program – encompassing planche, front lever, one arm pull up and handstand training!

Stay tuned for the updates and findings when I take these babies on a test drive in combination!

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